Storm damage prevention tips

Weather can be quite unpredictable in the UK, and heavy rainfall and strong winds can cause significant damage to your home. Here are some top tips that can help you avoid damage to your home during a storm.
Home maintenance
Regularly check your roof
Maintaining your roof can go a long way to preventing damage caused by severe weather. Check your roof for loose or missing tiles, and have them repaired or replaced as soon as possible. It’s a good idea to make sure gutters are clear of debris so water doesn’t accumulate on the roof. Most insurance provider’s policies don’t cover the costs of anything related to wear and tear, so it’s worth making sure that your gutters and roof are in a good state of repair.
Trim trees and bushes
Trimming them regularly can help prevent branches from falling onto your roof or windows during a storm. If you think a tree is unstable you might want to consider having it removed - falling trees can cause significant damage to your or your neighbours property.
Have your chimney inspected
Chimneys are typically exposed to the elements, and so regular maintenance will keep them in good working order and clear of debris. During storms, poorly maintained chimneys can get damaged, causing leaks or structural damage to your or your neighbour’s home.
Securing your home
Secure loose objects in your garden
Loose objects in your garden, such as garden furniture, tools, and toys, can become dangerous projectiles during a storm. It’s a good idea to check that all loose objects are securely stored away or tied down. We’ve seen trampolines quite literally take flight, so it’s definitely worth making sure the stuff in your garden is secure.
Secure windows and doors
Before a storm, you can check that your windows and doors won’t leak. During a storm, they should be properly latched and closed to avoid any water getting in.
Check fences and gates
Most home insurance policies don’t cover damage to gates and fences caused by storms, but before a storm, it’s a good idea to fix your fence if there are any loose panels or it feels wobbly. And during a storm, check your gate is secured. Loose gates can get damaged swinging back and forth, and could also damage your home or neighbour’s property.
Keeping informed
Check your insurance policy
You may want to check the terms and conditions of your policy to make sure you’re happy with all the details of storm cover on your policy.
Keep up to date with weather warnings
Checking the Met Office website for updates on any severe weather warnings in your area can help give you time to prepare.
A few final tips:
Bad weathers no fun, especially as it can cause damage to your home, but there’s a few things you can do to help:
- Check for any weather warnings in your area to give you time to put a plan in place
- Prevention is important - regularly maintain your roof and gutters.
- Secure any loose objects like trampolines or garden furniture
Urban Jungle is not a financial advisor and information in this article should not be taken as advice or recommendation.