Urban Jungle's Heroes 2020

This competition is now closed, thank you for all your entries, see below for the shortlisted entries!

Help us to celebrate the best of a challenging year and the people who have made life better for those around them. Tell us about the good deeds of your friends, colleagues and neighbours, so they have a chance to win £250.

Do you know someone aged 18-30 who has helped out in their community during the pandemic? Perhaps they went shopping for an ill neighbour, took up the slack at work when others couldn’t or have been on the frontline throughout this crisis.

Urban Jungle’s Heroes 2020 celebrates the best efforts of young people throughout this year.

We think young adults have had to endure a lot in 2020 and want to do our bit to say ‘thank you’.

So we want to meet the people, hear the stories and give thanks and recognition to those who have helped us all through.

Nominate your hero for 2020 by January 7th, 2021, and they could receive a £250 Amazon voucher and become Urban Jungle's 2020 Hero.

Thank you for all the amazing stories. See our winners and shortlists below!

Our winner of Urban Jungle Heroes 2020 is Tom Perkins! 🎉

Everyone at Urban Jungle was particularly impressed at Tom's generosity to help others and his thoughtfulness despite his own circumstances.

Tom is just one of the over 100 nomination we received that everyone should hear about. Young people have had to put up with a lot this year and don't always get portrayed in the best light. Thank you to all the young heroes through this tough time!

Tom-Perkins Urban Jungle Heroes winner 2020

Tom Perkins, 24, Plymouth: My hero is Tom. During 2020 he went above and beyond. I am a key worker where as Tom wasn't eligible for furlough and was unable to work this meant Tom had a lot of free time and no money. However Tom made every effort to ensure that he kept as busy as possible (and as allowed), he would check with neighbours to see what shopping was needed to save multiple households having to do shopping trips, collecting prescriptions etc.

During the second lockdown the flat above me had a water leak, this caused my ceiling to collapse, flooded my kitchen and cut off my electric ruining my food, flooring and leaving an awful mess. Tom went over soaked up the water, and removed the debris and made sure the area was as safe as possible, but he really is a hero as he spent the last of his Universal credit buying me food and supplies to replace what had been destroyed, he is so compassionate and caring even when he has already done more than enough he goes above and beyond.

Urban Jungle's runners up:

  1. Tilly Buttercup, 25, London

She rearranged my garden so we could sit out in lockdown, also allowing neighbours to sit out while being distanced, buying chairs, bean bags and tables. Without the garden I’d have been stuck indoors 24hrs, as I’m shielded. She baked bread for me and other neighbours weekly, delivered our papers daily, did quizzes, bingo, and Thursday clap-alongs. I think she kept us all sane and, without her sunny smile and daily jokes, it would have been a much harder time for us all. She really was a ray of sunshine on the dullest of days, for a young girl she’s the most generous giving happy person and it’s a pleasure to have her in our lives.


2. Amrit Mann, 18, Slough

He is a young man who is studying media full time, volunteers as a youth rep in slough youth parliament and is an absolute pillar of the community. Amrit started a YouTube channel providing high quality videos to support young people, especially during the lockdown. He was even filming while in hospital himself. He tackles subjects from education and mental health to homelessness and religious identity. He is the national UK youth parliament rep for Slough and trained as a mental health first aider this year. Amrit has been spending time working as a mentor since at his old school, campaigning for Black Lives Matter and other causes, and supporting the Sikh community in the Gurdwara every week. He has shown a level of commitment and dedication unusual for such a young man. He never complains, is always improving his skills and looking for new ways to help his community. An absolute inspiration.


3. Selena Myers, 27, Manchester

My wife arranges funerals for people, supporting the loved ones of the deceased and caring for them with phone calls and support afterwards. She has worked day and night throughout the pandemic when people have sadly lost their lives. She is a true hero who doesn't wear a uniform. She even looks after our 3-year-old daughter in addition to everything else. She deserves this!


4. Amelia Hebb, 18, Leicestershire

Amelia worked part-time at a care home and was at college at the start of the lockdown last March, but she decided she wanted to work at the care home full time and has worked long shifts most days since including Christmas Day. At her age, that is massive dedication, she has not seen her friends, even in the summer when they were going out, to ensure the safety of the people in her care home. She is a star!

Urban Jungle's Shortlist:

Jordan Urban Jungle 2020 Hero shortlist

Jordan Clark, 25, Derbyshire

He's a martial arts teacher who supports his community 100%. Offering free classes for people who have lost their jobs as well as free, virtual classes for everyone during national lockdowns. He puts on mini challenges for kids to keep them entertained and he's now putting on free mindfulness sessions to help with people's mental health during these difficult times. He's amazing and totally selfless.

Tilly Urban Jungle 2020 Hero shortlist

Tilly Buttercup, 25, London

She rearranged my garden so we could sit out in lockdown, also allowing neighbours to sit out while being distanced, buying chairs, bean bags and tables. Without the garden I’d have been stuck indoors 24hrs, as I’m shielded. She baked bread for me and other neighbours weekly, delivered our papers daily, did quizzes, bingo, and Thursday clap-alongs. I think she kept us all sane and, without her sunny smile and daily jokes, it would have been a much harder time for us all. She really was a ray of sunshine on the dullest of days, for a young girl she’s the most generous giving happy person and it’s a pleasure to have her in our lives.

Emily Urban Jungle 2020 Hero shortlist

Emily Vickers, 23, Grimsby

She collected in outgrown school uniform and handed it out to children who were struggling, she collected baby clothes and made up packs to hand out to new mums who were finding it hard and she collected children’s coats and handed them out where needed.

Becky Urban Jungle 2020 Hero shortlist

Becky Crawford, 20, North Yorkshire

Becky learnt to knit and then knitted and sewed hundreds of ear defenders and face masks for her local hospice and hospital staff during both lockdowns, even involving the rest of the family to add buttons and elastic and sourcing materials from neighbours so she could make them faster. She donated them all and all with a smile.

Tom Urban Jungle 2020 Hero shortlist

Tom Perkins, 24, Plymouth

My hero is Tom. During 2020 he went above and beyond. I am a key worker where as Tom wasn't eligible for furlough and was unable to work this meant Tom had a lot of free time and no money. However Tom made every effort to ensure that he kept as busy as possible (and as allowed), he would check with neighbours to see what shopping was needed to save multiple households having to do shopping trips, collecting prescriptions etc.

During the second lockdown the flat above me had a water leak, this caused my ceiling to collapse, flooded my kitchen and cut off my electric ruining my food, flooring and leaving an awful mess. Tom went over soaked up the water, and removed the debris and made sure the area was as safe as possible, but he really is a hero as he spent the last of his Universal credit buying me food and supplies to replace what had been destroyed, he is so compassionate and caring even when he has already done more than enough he goes above and beyond

Victoria Urban Jungle 2020 Hero shortlist

Victoria McClements, 20, Antrim Northern Ireland

My daughter Victoria suffers from a rare, life-threatening illness and had no option to shield for 12 weeks with her boyfriend and her Granny and Granda as I'm a keyworker. Being singers, Victoria and Conor set up their sound system in the garden every Thursday evening and entertained the neighbours as well as their Facebook followers while dedicating their songs to the NHS and frontline workers. A special moment occurred when one of the nurses who saved Victoria's life back in 2012 made contact and thanked Victoria for her selfless act every Thursday evening...her songs were reaching those who were helping save lives. With no income since March, Victoria and Conor have recently created their own duet - Bello Duo - and have released their first album: "out of the darkness". Victoria has never allowed her illness to dictate what she can and can't do with her life, despite the daily struggles she goes through, and she will always be my hero!"

Amelia Urban Jungle 2020 Hero shortlist

Amelia Hebb, 18, Leicestershire

Amelia worked part-time at a care home and was at college at the start of the lockdown last March, but she decided she wanted to work at the care home full time and has worked long shifts most days since including Christmas Day. At her age, that is massive dedication, she has not seen her friends, even in the summer when they were going out, to ensure the safety of the people in her care home. She is a star!

Hattie Urban Jungle 2020 Hero shortlist

Hattie Guy, 27, North Wales

My sister-in-law, Hattie, has had a true community spirit over 2020. She lives in a small village and is a nurse and, even after she finishes some truly difficult work shifts caring for patients, she throws herself into her community. She helped out as a community warden, taking care of those isolating, and she helped the community activities such as the choir and the WI continue. There is not a moment of the day that Hattie doesn't fill with being a part of something local, and she is truly appreciated for it!

Glen Urban Jungle 2020 Hero shortlist

Glen Cavers, 26, Dumfries and Galloway Scotland

Glen has worked tirelessly throughout lockdown to make sure our community is looked after. He has spent months lighting up local landmarks to bring a bit of joy to the town, and has done essential shopping for our neighbours who were isolating or shielding. On top of all this, he has been working at home at his full time job since March, which is a very stressful job outside of the normal working environment, so it is commendable that he has done so much to help other people outside of this. He really deserves a treat this year!

Kirsten Scott Urban Jungle 2020 Hero shortlist

Kisten Scott, 20, Huddersfield

This beautiful and amazing girl has not only looked after and supported me through this pandemic but has also worked Monday to Friday and helped support and help our small family business, this is all whilst battling her own health condition which can cause terrible pain on a daily basis. She has taken me to my hospital appointments and even dealt with speaking to 111 when I was positive for COVID-19. She helped me dress, wash when I had my surgery, did shopping trips for our family members and also helped with looking after her brother who has ADHD and ODD. She has been a true inspiration getting on with everything keeping everyone's spirits up. She certainly saved me and our family this year and Christmas.

Amrit Urban Jungle 2020 Hero shortlist

Amrit Mann, 18, Slough

He is a young man who is studying media full time, volunteers as a youth rep in slough youth parliament and is an absolute pillar of the community. Amrit started a YouTube channel providing high quality videos to support young people, especially during the lockdown. He was even filming while in hospital himself. He tackles subjects from education and mental health to homelessness and religious identity. He is the national UK youth parliament rep for Slough and trained as a mental health first aider this year. Amrit has been spending time working as a mentor since at his old school, campaigning for Black Lives Matter and other causes, and supporting the Sikh community in the Gurdwara every week. He has shown a level of commitment and dedication unusual for such a young man. He never complains, is always improving his skills and looking for new ways to help his community. An absolute inspiration.

Lucy Urban Jungle 2020 Hero shortlist

Lucy Proctor, 26, Northampton

Lucy has worked throughout the pandemic for the NHS in the medical records department. Despite feelings of anxiety, Lucy has carried on and shown dedication to her work by taking on extra hours to cover the rising workload. Lucy has also been my support bubble, ensuring I get to work safely by keeping me off public transport. She really is an unsung hero.

Nathan Urban Jungle 2020 Hero shortlist

Nathan Wilson, 18, Ipswich

Nathan has been a real asset during Covid, he continued with his studies as well as helping his friends with the exams and revision, he organised online quizzes with other friends, is shopping for vulnerable people, sometimes walking a couple of miles to the supermarket just to help, and starting uni. He also was very kind to his sister, whose relationship broke down during COVID, supported her and dried her tears. Lastly, cooking his mother a hot meal and preparing a packed lunch before she went on a 14 hour nursing shift at Ipswich Hospital.

Selena Urban Jungle 2020 Hero shortlist

Selena Myers, 27, Manchester

My wife arranges funerals for people, supporting the loved ones of the deceased and caring for them with phone calls and support afterwards. She has worked day and night throughout the pandemic when people have sadly lost their lives. She is a true hero who doesn't wear a uniform. She even looks after our 3-year-old daughter in addition to everything else. She deserves this!

Sky Urban Jungle 2020 Hero shortlist

Sky Parsons, 22, Uxbridge

Sky has helped to start running online Girl Guiding sessions in our community. She has organised the meetings and done the paperwork whilst keeping the parents up to date with the ever-changing situation. Some of the sessions have included making fudge online, running scavenger hunts, escape rooms and continuing badge work. Parents have expressed gratitude for bringing some normality back and allowing the Guides to socialise outside of online school, it has had a real positive impact for the Guides.

What can I win?

The winner will receive a £250 Amazon voucher and the successful nominator will also receive a £100 Amazon voucher. Four runner-up heroes will also receive £50 Amazon vouchers.

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