Optimise the storage potential of your flat

We’ve listed 3 steps which will help you optimise your storage at home
Lack of storage space is a common frustration for most people living in the city and if you’re a renter you can be limited in the options you have to change this.
Step 1: Get the most out of the storage space you have. It sounds pretty obvious but try to really think through it.
Make it match
When looking at your cupboards make sure you’re storing the right item in the right cupboard, size wise. It’s a bit like playing Tetris but you’d be surprised how much more you can fit in any cupboard when maximising the full space of it. However, you still want to remain logical. No point storing your pots and pans in your bedroom closet. So, another option is to match your cupboard to what you need to store by adding removal subdividers.
Double layer where you can
For example, if you have book shelves, most likely there’ll be some space behind the books which you can use to store those items you only need a few times a year.
Rise up
A standard space we all use to store some extra stuff is under the bed. However, if your bed is quite low most likely you won’t be able to fit much underneath. In that case bed risers are a great solution to give you that bit of extra height so those suitcases fit underneath.
@urbanjungle_ins Ways to optimise your storage 🏡 #adulting #renters #renting #rentingtips #homeowner #newhome #fair #simple #clear #makeitsimple
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Step 2: Increase storage space by being inventive, look around your flat and see storage opportunities.
Multifunctional furniture
A great way to increase your storage space is by having furniture which doubles up as storage. For example, think a trunk as coffee table or a bookcase for the headboard of your bed.
Use dead spaces
There might be dead spaces, for example formed by a sofa positioned angularly in the corner of a room, which could be made to good use by housing some bulky items which won’t fit in any cupboard.
Think vertical
Make sure that where possible you use the full height of the room for storage, this goes from storing items on top of your kitchen cabinets to adding some extra shelving above your sofa.
Step 3: Reduce your stuff, the only option left when you’ve maximised your storage space is to minimise the stuff you need to store.
Be critical of your stuff
If you haven’t used it in a year throw or give it away. A great way to see how often you wear clothes is to put them all with the hanger facing the back of your wardrobe at the beginning of year and when you wear an item you flip over the hanger. Check at the end of year which hangers are still facing the back of the wardrobe.
Avoid unitaskers
Instead of having an item for every possible use, look for single items that can do many, many things. Instead of buying a set of bowls, buy two fairly large bowls. Instead of buying an entire set of pots and pans, stick with one skillet and one pot and see how that works for you. Unitaskers take up space and are rarely used. Avoid them and only buy stuff that you can use for lots of things.
Keeping stuff organised avoids duplicates
Having to buy a new roll of tape each time you wrap a present is all too familiar and in addition to wasting money it also creates unnecessary strain on your storage space. This is why having a dedicated office supply drawer, for example, comes in handy. Now you don’t need to remember where you left the tape, just which drawer has the office supplies.
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